Install XeroLinux (Arch with Stunning Looks): Step-by-Step Guide

4 min

A simple tutorial shows how to install Arch Linux-based XeroLinux as a standalone system, dual-boot and in VM.

What is XeroLinux?

For all the KDE Plasma and Arch Linux fans, XeroLinux is probably the best distro to experience. It’s loaded with goodies and brings a customized KDE Plasma theme with the goodness of Arch Linux.

This distribution is mainly for those who like eye-candy desktops with the latest packages+KDE Plasma but do not want to re-configure the Plasma desktop. XeroLinux primarily uses a pre-configured Latte dock with Kvantum to give the desktop a distinct look.

This tutorial will walk you through installing XeroLinux in a physical system as a standalone or dual-boot.

Pre-requisite before installation (physical system)

Skip these steps if you are installing in Virtual Machines such as VirtualBox, GNOME Boxes or virt-manager (KVM).

  1. Download the ISO from this link: Download XeroLinux. There are links for SourceForge and torrents. I would recommend using torrent files.
  2. Once downloaded, create a bootable USB stick using the above ISO file. You can create a bootable USB stick with Etcher or any other utility. Here’s a guide for you: for Linux & for Windows.
  3. Plugin your USB stick which you have prepared, and reboot. While rebooting, make sure to boot into BIOS. You can boot in by pressing any hardware-specific function key while starting your laptop/desktop. A sample function list is presented below.
Brandkey to enter into BIOS
Lenovo (all laptops excluding thinkpads)F2 or Fn + F2
Lenovo (Desktops)F1
Lenovo (ThinkPads)Enter then F1.
DellF2 or F12
HPF10 or F1 or DEL
ASRockF2 or DEL
ASUSF2 for all PCs, F2 or DEL for Motherboards
AcerF2 or DEL
Gigabyte / AorusF2 or DEL
MSIDEL for motherboards and PCs
Microsoft Surface TabletsPress and hold volume up button.
Origin PCF2
  1. Once you are into BIOS, do the followings (these screenshots might look different in your system):
    • Disable secure boot (if you are making a dual-boot system with Windows)
    • Enable USB boot and set the USB stick as the top of your boot priority order.
    • Save and exit (F10).
  2. Optional: If you are installing MX Linux as a dual-boot in a Windows system, then make sure to create a separate partition beforehand.
disable secure boot if you are preparing dual-boot with Windows
disable secure boot if you are preparing dual-boot with Windows
Set your USB stick at the top of boot order
Set your USB stick at the top of boot order
Enable USB boot in BIOS
Enable USB boot in BIOS

Install XeroLinux: Steps

Once you boot from the XeroLinux ISO file, you should see the first screen, as shown below.

XeroLinux Boot Menu
XeroLinux Boot Menu

Select the first option to boot into the live medium. Click on the XeroLinux logo at the left-top and search for the installer. Click on the “Install System” to launch the installation.

Install XeroLInux Menu
Install XeroLInux Menu

XeroLinux uses the popular Calamares installer which is stable and user-friendly. The first screen should show you a welcome screen. Hit next to proceed.

XeroLinux installer first screen
XeroLinux installer first screen

Select the location and keyboard as per your region and locale. In the partition screen, choose the partition carefully. If installing in a Virtual machine, choose the entire disk. But for physical systems, including dual-boot with Windows, carefully select the partition to which you want to install XeroLinux.

A typical partition table might look like the one below.

Sample partition table - XeroLinux
Sample partition table – XeroLinux

After you are all set with the partition table, continue adding the user account details and verify using the final summary.

And hit install once you are satisfied with all the information.

Add user account in XeroLinux installer
Add user account in XeroLinux installer

At this step, make sure to re-verify the partition where you are installing XeroLinux, especially for dual-boot Windows systems.

final summary
final summary

Click on install to start the installation. Wait until the installation is finished.

XeroLinux installation - in progress
XeroLinux installation – in progress

Once it is complete, you should see the following completion message.

Installation is complete
Installation is complete

Reboot your system, and you should be able to boot into XeroLinux using the account you just created.

That completes the installation of this Arch-based distribution.

Wrapping Up

This tutorial explained how to install XeroLinux on your Laptop or any hardware. Also, I have mentioned instructions for dual-boot systems as well.

If you face any trouble during installation, drop a note below in the comment box.


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